The Gray-New Gloucester High School Fine Arts Department

All students enter the GNGHS art program by taking a full year of Foundations in Art. This credit serves as students’ fine arts credit, and other art courses taken after that point serve as elective credits. This introductory course exposes students to a variety of art forms and multiple materials, tools, and techniques. Students will learn about the Elements of Art and Principles of Design, and will be be exposed to art history through exploration of different art movements, cultures, and artists. Students will learn how to analyze and critique artwork through a variety of verbal activities and written work, and will create a portfolio of their own artwork throughout the year. Once students have completed that prerequisite, they are free to continue in any upper level class of their choice. These art classes further explore specific art forms, refining skills and techniques, and look closer at artworks and influential artists as students continue to develop their own style. We also offer a Gifted and Talented art program to further support students with exceptionalities. There is an identification process for students to be accepted into this program, and it is modeled differently to fit the needs of individuals. A two-year International Baccalaureate Art program is also available to any art student eager to take on a challenge the Junior and Senior year.

Visual and Performing Arts Standards

Updated September 21, 2018