(Agenda, Attachments, Minutes)

(Meeting dates)


2024-2025 School Board List

Cole Chandler cdchandler@sad15.org Gray, ME 2025
Penny Collins(Chair) pcollins@sad15.org New Gloucester, ME 2025
Misty Coolidge mcoolidge@sad15.org New Gloucester, ME 2025
Adam Copp acopp@sad15.org New Gloucester, ME 2027
Gary Harriman gharriman@sad15.org New Gloucester, ME 2026
Theresa Lacadie  tlacadie@sad15.org New Gloucester, ME 2027
James Manzer jmanzer@sad15.org Gray, ME 2027
Lauren Meek lmeek@sad15.org Gray, ME 2026
Frances Monroe fmonroe@sad15.org Gray, ME 2025
Sharon Morey smorey@sad15.org Gray, ME 2026
Sam Pfeifle spfeifle@sad15.org Gray, ME 2027

Email:  schoolboard@sad15.org


Committee Members Meeting Dates

*School Board Chair serves as Ex-Officio member where indicated.

  • Evaluate & monitor physical plant conditions of all buildings in the District.
  • Develop comprehensive long-range maintenance plans.
  • Conduct capital improvement planning which will consider options, cost impacts, and priorities.
  • Evaluate and monitor facility use within the District, considering student enrollments and program needs.
  • Oversee and coordinate all activities associated with building projects.
  • Give reports at Board meetings, as needed, and a final written report in June.

Chair- Adam Copp, Gary Harriman, Sam Pfeifle, Misty Coolidge, Cole Chandler – 1st Wednesday of month-5:30pm*

  • Review fiscal management policies to determine changes needed.
  • Review District Audit before it goes to the full board.
  • Review warrants on a biweekly basis and meet other requirements of the fiscal management policies.
  • Advise the budget development process .
  • Give reports at Board meetings, as needed, and a final 205 written report in June.
  • Review proposals for program development from administration.
  • Review monthly expense and revenue reports

Chair- Gary Harriman, Jim Manzer, Sharon Morey, Theresa  Lacadie , Lauren Meek – 2nd Wednesday of month at 6:30pm

  • Negotiate contracts with employee bargaining units subject to Board approval.
  • Approve work agreements for positions not covered by a bargaining unit (other than the Superintendent) within the parameters set by the board.
  • Advise matters pertaining to personnel contracts and benefits.
  • Advise the evaluation of the Superintendent, to be completed annually by the first meeting in June.
  • Give reports at Board meetings, as needed, and a final written report in June.
  • Advise matters pertaining to personnel not covered by existing contracts or current policy.
  • Review proposals for staffing changes from administration.

Chair- Cole Chandler, Adam Copp, Penny Collins, Lauren Meek –  2nd Wednesday of month at 5:30pm

  • To learn about and understand Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment systems in the school district.
  • To be familiar with, understand, and provide input into goals related to curriculum, instruction, and assessment in the school district.
  • To be familiar with pre-k through 12 local assessment results as indicated in the school district local assessment system(proposed attached)
  • Review and provide input into the purchase and acquisition of new instructional materials that have a significant impact in pre-k through 12 instruction
  • Review and provide input into any significant changes in curriculum, particularly as it pertains to state and national standards as well as acts of the Maine legislature, federal government and other governing agencies
  • Works with other committees (Finance, Policy) to make recommendations to the full school board in areas related to curriculum, instruction, and assessment

Chair- Sharon Morey, James Manzer, Frances Monroe, Misty Coolidge – 3rd Wednesday of the month at 5:30pm,*

  • Develop an annual plan on policy revision and development that is consistent with the District vision and Board goals.
  • Research and write new policies and periodically update existing policies.
  • Make recommendations concerning the advisability of policy adoption.
  • Write and recommend the necessary procedures that explain policies when appropriate.
  • Review/rewrite bylaws or resolutions when requested by a Board member at a Board meeting.
  • Explain the reason and rationale for proposed changes to policies, procedures, bylaws, or resolutions.
  • Act as liaison on matters pertaining to the policy manual.
  • Assure that policies and other manuals are compatible.
  • Give reports at Board meetings, as needed, and a final written report in June.

Chair- Sam Pfeifle, Theresa Lacadie, Penny Collins, Fran Monroe- 4th Wednesday of month at 5:30pm,*

  • Ad Hoc Transportation Committee Meetings
  • Bond Committee Meetings

Page updated December 2, 2024