A Message from Mrs. Hennessey

Thank you to our families for your partnership and support this fall. The Memorial School staff is so impressed with the enthusiasm our students have for learning! As we get into the routines of learning, we welcome your feedback and suggestions. Please let us know what is going well and areas that deserve attention. We greatly appreciate your ongoing communication. 

Let’s learn and grow together this year! Please visit our website for updates. Please feel free to contact me directly at ahennessey@sad15.org or by phone at 926-4322.


Memorial School utilizes the Seesaw platform to communicate with families. We also will use this platform should students need to access remote work at any time during the school year. Students will receive training on Seesaw in the first few weeks of school. Parents can download the “Seesaw” application to a tablet or smartphone and stay connected!

School Improvement Team

The first meeting of our Memorial School Improvement Team (SIT) will be held on Thursday, September 26th from 4:30-5:30 via Zoom. The SIT will work to review data on Memorial School, set goals for the year that are aligned with our SAD 15 Strategic Plan, and review/adapt those goals as necessary throughout the school year. The SIT is composed of the Memorial School principal, teacher leaders, and parents. We will meet once a month for an hour. Please consider joining the team! If you would like more information or would like to sign up, please email Mrs Hennessey at ahennessey@sad15.org or call the Memorial School Office at 926-4322.

Dress in Layers

This fall, we will experience outdoor learning and play at every opportunity. We encourage you to dress your child in layers so that she/he can be most comfortable while we are outdoors. Students may benefit from having a sweatshirt or sweater to wear during the day.

Upcoming Evacuation Drills

We will be practicing drills this fall at Memorial School including evacuation drills. We will begin our drill practice with classroom drills, and move on to announced school drills (without alarm & with alarm). If you or your child have any questions about these drills, please feel free to contact Mrs. Hennessey directly at 926-4322 or ahennessey@sad15.org.

Breakfast & Lunch

Breakfast and lunch are available to students at no cost this school year! Breakfast will be provided to students when they arrive in the morning. Breakfast will be eaten in the classroom. Lunch will be served in the cafeteria by grade level. There are two lunch choices each day: a daily offering or a sun butter sandwich choice. If students choose to have milk only at lunch, there is a $0.65 charge. 

Memorial Messenger

We will send home this newsletter every month to keep you up-to-date on the goings-on at Memorial School. Please look for the newsletter on the second Thursday of each month. Archived editions of the Messenger are stored on our website at https://msad15.org/memorial-school/.

Peanut-Safe School

There are several students attending Memorial School who have life-threatening allergies to peanuts and peanut products. Allergic reactions to peanuts can occur from smells in the air and oil residues left on surfaces in the school and not just through digestion. To provide the safest environment possible, we request your assistance in providing a Peanut-Safe School environment. If possible, we ask that all families refrain from sending in peanut products in lunchboxes or backpacks. If this creates a challenge for your family, please reach out to the Nurse’s Office or Mrs. Hennessey to discuss options. 

Please note that some classrooms will be entirely peanut-safe. Those classroom teachers will be in touch about specific circumstances. We greatly appreciate our school community’s efforts to ensure that Memorial School is a peanut-safe environment for all our students!

Fall Picture Day

Say Cheese! Our Fall Picture Day is scheduled for Wednesday, September 18th. Pictures will be taken in classroom groupings beginning at 9 am and concluding just before lunchtime. More information was provided in last week’s Totes.  

Volunteer Opportunity: Tote Fillers

The Memorial School Office is seeking a volunteer to assist on Thursday mornings. Each Thursday, we stuff and deliver Totes to each classroom. We would love to have a family member or two who is regularly available on Thursday mornings to help our current Tote crew. Please contact Miss Lisa at 926-4322 or lhaughey@sad15.org if interested!

Updated September 13, 2024