Title 1 Program in MSAD 15
Title I is a federally funded program targeted to assist students in achieving higher academic standards. Funds under this program are targeted to provide extra support to economically disadvantaged school. Title I is a supplemental service and is not intended to take the place of classroom instruction. Using an approved screening procedure, which includes teacher recommendations, classroom interventions and the Developmental Reading Assessment, students will be rank ordered by need and provided service accordingly. Parents will be encouraged to be part of this process every step of the way, and will be given at home strategies to help their child.
Title I mandates parental involvement in its programs with increasing specificity. The emphasis on parental involvement is justified by research showing that the support of parents at home can have a positive impact on student achievement, attendance, and classroom behavior as well as a positive effect on parents themselves by giving them the tools to help their children at home. Examples of how you can be involved include:
- Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences
- Volunteering in the school/classroom
- Attend an evening informational meeting
- Help with Science Fair, or other curriculum projects
- Email or phone your child’s teacher
- Request an additional conference
- Open House
We hope that by establishing a partnership between home and school, we can help all students.
Parents Right to Know
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires teachers in schools who receive Title 1 funds (Memorial and Dunn) to meet specific requirements. All teachers must demonstrate that they meet the Highly Qualified definition under federal law.
MSAD #15 believes that a caring, competent, and qualified teacher for every child is the most important ingredient in education reform, and we want to assure you that we consider all our teachers to be fully qualified for their positions. All of our teachers are currently certified to teach under Maine’s strict certification requirements. All of our teachers have college degrees and many have advanced degrees. In addition, every teacher continues his or her own learning through professional development activities and our teachers are evaluated each year to make sure that their teaching skills remain at the highest possible level. We are proud to report that all MSAD#15 Title 1 teachers meet the federal definition of “Highly Qualified”.
The ESSA also enables parents to ask specific questions about the qualifications of their child’s teacher(s). Parents may ask about the degree(s) and certifications held by each teacher. Please contact the school principal if you have questions or would like further information. Working with parents is an important aspect of our efforts to help students learn and we welcome your interest.
Parent Resources
Some good general information about reading can be found in: Becoming a Nation of Readers: The Report of the Commission on Reading – National Institute of Education, Washington, D.C.
Useful Resources for Parents:
Raising Lifelong Learners – A Parent’s Guide by Lucy Caulkins
Read to Me: Raising Kids Who Love to Read by Bernice E. Callina
The Read Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease
99 Ways to Get Kids to Love Reading by Mary Leonhardt
bookadventure.com – activities, parent’s place
U.S. Dept. of Education – free publications
An essential book for understanding why small group explicit reading instruction like Title I is necessary: What Really Matters for Struggling Readers by Richard Allington
KBF Parent Involvement in Title 1 policy can be found here.
How Can I Help My Child At Home?
Updated December 21, 2018