MSAD 15’s Performance Evaluation and Professional Growth or “PEPG” system outlines implementation of Maine statutes governing how we support teacher growth and measure teacher effectiveness. This plan applies to all staff employed in the teacher collective bargaining unit. More information about the State of Maine and Maine Department of Education requirements and guidance on teacher evaluation and growth can be found here.
MSAD 15’s PEPG Plan was most recently updated during the 2023-2024 school year for implementation in the 2024-2025 school year. This included:
- a multi-year process of review and revision by the MSAD 14 PEPG Steering Committee,
- approval by unanimous vote of an ad hoc group of PEPG Teacher Leaders, Administrators, and representatives appointed by the GNG Teachers Association (with majority voting members being teacher contract staff);
- approval by unanimous vote of the MSAD 15 Board of Directors;
- and submission to the Maine Department of Education.
For historical plan development information, please see the PEPG plan from 6-2-21.
For the process and documentation for the most recently approved plan, please see the materials from the February 7 Business Meeting of the MSAD 15 Board of Directors.
Updated August 22, 2024