A Message from Rick Riley-Benoit

GNGMS Families!

Career Day 2025

GNGMS is excited to host a Career Day on April 17, 2025 as the culmination of a month-long advisory exploration of career options. Grade 5 is using material from the Finance Authority of Maine to help students learn about themselves and career paths that match their interests. 6th graders will focus on the financial aspect of careers and how they relate to their hopes for their futures. 7th graders will focus on college and career options to design their educational pathways starting in 8th grade and continuing into high school. 8th graders will be using Level All, a platform that is available to all Mainers free of charge. This resource allows students to explore career pathways ranging from entering the workforce right out of high school to advanced college degrees and everything in between.

On April 17, approximately 40 professionals will share their experience in their fields and students will select the sessions they are most interested in attending.

We are so grateful for the volunteers who are sharing their experiences with our students and are excited for this opportunity.


If you are interested in playing girls lacrosse this spring, please see Ms. Colello. We are in need of players to field a team, so please consider trying one of the fastest growing sports! You may contact hcolello@sad15.org for more information.


The April 1st deadline is quickly approaching to order a 2024/2025 yearbook. Yearbooks are available to order through this link. The cost is $22.00. Please contact the yearbook advisor at emcnally@sad15.org if you have any questions.

Drama Club

The GNGMS Drama Club is busy rehearsing for the winter/spring musical PRINCESS WHATSERNAME. We will open in a little over two weeks and are so excited to bring this show to the community. This zany musical takes place in the misty forest of four different kingdoms. There are many characters that will entertain all with a hilarious script and many musical numbers.

Both shows will held at the GNG Middle School and dates and times are set as follows:

Friday, April 4th, 6:00pm

Saturday, April 5th, 1:00pm & 6:00pm

Admission is $8.00 for adults and $5.00 for seniors and students.

We will also be holding another one of our fabulous bake sales for treats during the show! Put this on your calendars…you will not want to miss out! Tickets are sold at the door and doors will open 1/2 hour before the show.



Updated  March 21, 2025