MSAD#15 recognizes the fact that while medications ideally should be administered at home, it is sometimes necessary for a student to receive medications during the school day.
Because administering medications to your child at school takes away from classroom time, and because medication may be administered by a non-licensed person in school, we request that all medication be given at home before and after school if possible.
“3 times a day” does not necessarily mean a dose at school. Any medication that needs to be taken 2-3 times daily can and should be managed at home i.e.: antibiotics to be given 3 times a day are most effective spread over a 24 hr. period (upon rising, after school, and bedtime). Please consider not sending over-the-counter medications, i.e.: cold medications and cough drops. A single dose in the morning and a dose upon return from school should be sufficient. If your child is unable to get through the day without a mid day dose, he/she may be too ill to be in school. Symptoms of communicable illnesses are a concern for classmates as well as staff.
If medication must be administered at school, parents/guardians are responsible for providing the school with the medication. All medications must be in their original container, and an appropriate medication administration form completed and signed by the parent must be completed. This pertains to over the counter medications as well as prescription medications. Please refer to our medication policy for details.
Please also see the “MSAD 15 Health Forms” link to the left for documentation needed
to administer medications at school.