From the Principal’s Office

From our MTSS Team

It is important to remember that visible actions and behaviors are a small part of the bigger picture. There are a lot of influencing factors lying beneath the surface that contribute to a child’s behavior. Oftentimes a child has a hard time identifying and understanding the motivation behind their behavior. As educators and parents, it is important to remember this iceberg model when dealing with disruptive or unexpected behaviors in order to help students regulate, identify their needs, and feel loved.

On a different note, our students have filled the bee jar! Stay tuned to hear about our school wide celebration. Great work kiddos!

From our PE Dept

As part of the Dunn Elementary School physical education program students get the opportunity to ice skate at Pineland.  My plan is to start skating the week of 1/21.  The school provides the skates, helmets and skating aids.  Students are expected to wear a winter jacket, snow pants, and gloves while skating.  Students may bring their own skates and helmets.  This activity is dependent on weather, transportation, and supervision. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mr. Kramer –

District Science Fair Art Competition!

The MSAD 15 District-Wide Science Fair will be held on Thursday, May 1st. To generate excitement for the Fair, we are hosting an Art Competition! MSAD 15 students can submit a piece of original artwork – either a logo or a flyer. This artwork should be related to a scientific theme of the artist’s choice. We will collect submissions through January 31st. At the time, judges will select one logo/flyer to use in Science Fair promotional materials. The creator of the selected logo/flyer will also win an Art Kit! More information & a link to submit artwork can be found on the attached flyer.

From out Adult Ed Dept

The new Adult Ed catalog is out!  Please see the Adult Ed webpage for the catalog and registration info.

One of the classes listed is an English Language class for folks who are learning English as a second (third, etc) language.  This free class has rolling admission so new students can begin any time.  There is a flyer attached with a QR code for more information and registration.

From the HS Varsity Field Hockey Coach

Patriots Field Hockey is hosting our 2025 Winter Field Hockey Camp on Sunday 2/2 from 2:30pm to 5:30pm. The camp will be held at the Maine Athletic Complex located at 1173 Riverside Street, Portland. We will be breaking the 3 hour block into 2 separate sessions:

Session #1 for grades/ages PreK-3rd Grade will be held from 2:30pm to 3:30pm. 

Session #1 for grades/ages 4th-8th Grade will be held from 3:30pm to 5:30pm.

Please follow this link for more information and to register your student.

From Patriot Parents

Our Math Olympics were held during yesterday’s early release day. Results will come home shortly, with donations due by Friday, January 31st.  Thank you for your support!

Patriot Parents will be having a meeting on Thursday, January 23rd at 4:30 PM in the Dunn library – please join us to find out how you can get involved. As always, if you have any questions, please reach out anytime at

From the Office

If your student will be late or absent, please let us know at 207-657-5050 or jsouthard@sad15.orgPlease include your student’s full name in your message, and please cc your student’s teacher as well.

MSAD 15 offers a voluntary, half-day Pre-K program at Dunn School in New Gloucester. We are able to enroll up to 90 students each year. However, if more than 90 students apply, we will hold a lottery prior to screening, and the remaining students will be put on a waiting list.  To be eligible for Pre-K, students must pre-register prior to screening dates in June.

Please complete the pre-registration process through this link or visit our website:  Pre-K Dunn School 

Dates to Remember 

Jan 20 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Day – no classes

Jan 23 Patriot Parents meeting, Dunn library, 4:30 PM

Jan 31 Math Olympics pledges due

Feb 12 Early release day – grades 3 & 4 dismissed at 1:00 PM, no preK classes

Feb 17-21 Presidents’ Day & Winter break – no classes

Page Updated January 17, 2025