A Message from Mrs. Hennessey

The last month or so has been very busy here at Memorial School! We have celebrated 100 days of school. We participated in the Kindness Challenge and hosted a thrilling Read Across America Week! We have been integrating educational experiences into each of these exciting activities, and kids have been demonstrating new skills and knowledge all around Memorial School. Thank you to our Memorial families for all of your help with our Spirit Days! We greatly appreciate you!

I would like to thank each of you for your continued support of Memorial School. We are so fortunate to partner with our New Gloucester families to educate our bright young minds. Please feel free to contact me directly at ahennessey@sad15.org or by phone at 926-4322. 

Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences

During the week of March 24th, classroom teachers and case managers will be holding parent-teacher conferences. Please be on the lookout for sign-up info from your child’s teacher(s). We look forward to meeting with you!

Read Across America Week

During the week of March 3rd, Memorial School celebrated Read Across  America Week! We had many exciting activities take place throughout the week. There were themed Spirit Days. Everyone in the school took part in our Read Across Memorial event on Wednesday. We were able to raffle off 36 new books! And we had a very fun Character Parade on Friday, March 7th.

We would like to thank the parents who worked hard to put together spirited outfits and the Memorial School staff for their planning and facilitation of these exciting events!           

Patriot Parent Update

The Patriot Parents would like to thank the families who are participating in our Fedco Seed fundraiser! The fundraiser is open until March 21st. You can order seeds online at: 


Order forms are also available. Just let the Memorial Office know if you would like a new form.

We are also in the middle of the Reading Challenge! The Reading Challenge is an annual fundraiser for the Memorial Patriot Parents. This fundraiser is a great way for friends and relatives to support our school while encouraging your child to read! The money we raise will help with field trips, academic enrichment programs, teaching materials, and much, much more. 

The Reading Challenge runs from March 3rd – March 21st.

If you have any questions about the Reading Challenge, please email our Patriot Parent Rep, Melissa Cote, at macote@sad15.org

If you need new forms, please contact Miss Lisa and we will send those along (lhaughey@sad15.org). Thank you!

2025–2026 Kindergarten Registration & Screening

On approximately January 15th, we will begin registering students for the kindergarten class of 2025-2026! Parents of students who will be five on or before October 15, 2025, please visit the Memorial School webpage and click the link to pre-register your child for kindergarten. We can’t wait to welcome our incoming students into our Memorial community!

More information to come on the K Screening Process. If you have any questions about the registration or screening process, please contact Amanda Hennessey at 926-4322 or ahennessey@sad15.org. 

iPad Care & Use

Please take the following steps to ensure the safety of your child’s school-issued iPad  when it is sent home:

  • When iPads are issued, please be sure to have students carry their iPads back and forth to school in their cases. 
  • All students have hard-backed keyboard cases. Students should keep the keyboard cases on at all times to protect the device screens.
  • Students should be sure to put the iPads in the neoprene sleeve whenever the device is not in use or charging.
  • Please remind children to carefully set their backpacks down when getting on or off the bus or arriving at home/school.
  • Please contact the Main Office as soon as possible when damage is noticed so we can provide a loaner device and send the iPad off for repair.

Thank you for your continued support and care with district-loaned devices. Please feel free to contact Mrs. Hennessey (926-4322 or ahennessey@sad15.org) with any questions.

Memorial School Inclement Weather Plans

MSAD 15 will implement one of the several options when the forecast includes the potential for inclement weather. Those options include a two-hour delay, a remote school day, or the possibility of a complete cancellation with no school and no remote learning.

Two-Hour Delay: The day will begin two hours later than normal. Buses will pick up students two hours later than normal. Parent drop-off will begin at 10:40 AM. Breakfast will not be served.

School Cancelation: No school, no remote learning. This day will be made up at the end of the school year. This is done by adding days after the projected last day of school on the MSAD 15 calendar.

Remote Learning Day: When the forecast is worrisome, Memorial School may be sending home our district-issued iPads in anticipation of poor travel conditions and the potential of a remote school day. When devices are sent home, we will communicate this to you via email and/or Seesaw message. The iPads should stay in backpacks at home until a remote school day is officially called. If there is no remote school day, please keep the iPad, sleeve, charger, and headphones in the backpack ready to come right back to school that day.

On a remote learning day, students will follow the schedule below. Attendance is taken on a remote learning day. Students who do not attend live sessions or complete class assignments will be marked absent. If your child is sick, unable to participate, or has no internet access, please notify the main office and your child’s classroom teacher.

Should we implement a remote day we would use the following schedule:

K-2 Remote Day Plan

9:00-9:45: Live Zoom – Morning Meeting & Literacy (whole group)

9:45-10:00: Break

10:00-10:30: Live Zoom – Math (whole group)

10:30-12:00: Asynchronous work on Seesaw (including Specials) and/or small group/individual sessions with the classroom teacher, Response-To-Intervention staff, or Special Ed services

12:00 – 12:30: Lunch

12:30-2:00: As needed, small group/individual sessions with RTI or Special Education

Zoom links and assignments will be shared via Seesaw. You can also expect specific communication from Mrs. Hennessey and your child’s classroom teacher should we need to implement remote learning for any reason.

Students who participate in self-contained learning programs such as SLC or Gateway will receive information from the case manager and/or from the educational technicians who work with your child(ren).

If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s classroom teacher. You may also call the main office at 926-4322 or reach Principal Amanda Hennessey directly by email at ahennessey@sad15.org.

Updated March 17, 2025