Winter Carnival 2019

On Thursday, February 14th, students, staff, and parent volunteers took part in our annual Winter Carnival at Memorial School. The weather was perfect for outdoor activities – warm (for winter in Maine), sunny, and glorious!

This year’s Winter Carnival at Memorial School featured a morning and an afternoon outdoor session for our students and staff. One session had activities for students to rotate through, and the other session allowed students to move from activity to activity at their leisure. We also had a school-wide healthy snack when we came inside for the day.

Students took part in a Story Walk, winter tag games, obstacle course, sledding, and a wide variety of other activities. Staff and parent volunteers directed activities at the stations posted all around the school. While having a great time, students were able to practice their fine and gross motor skills, collaborate with one another, and get plenty of exercise in the sunshine!

Students, parents, and staff report having a wonderful time together outdoors. We look forward to this event each winter and are so pleased the weather and snowpack cooperated for this year’s festivities.

The Memorial School administration is grateful to our staff and parent volunteers for their generous donations of time and enthusiasm for this event. Great fun was had by all!

Click to View Pictures: Winter Carnival 2019