School Board Vacancy

School Board Vacancy graphic


The Gray Town Council is accepting applications to fill a vacant MSAD #15 School Board Director’s position until the next local election on June 14, 2022.  The applicant must be a registered voter of the Town of Gray and shall reside in the Town during the term of office.  A School Board Director or the spouse of a School Board Director may not be an employee or a volunteer with primary responsibility for any programs or activities who report to an administrator of MSAD #15.

To apply, the Town Council must receive a letter of interest no later than July 21, 2021.  The Gray Town Council will review the letters of interest at their regular town council meeting on August 3, 2021 and appoint a person to complete the vacant term.

Completed documents may be submitted by mail to:

Town Manager
Attn: MSAD #15 Board of Director
24 Main Street
Gray, Maine 04039
(207) 657-3339 x 102

Completed documents may also be submitted via email to Nate Rudy or hand delivered.