Policy Updated
AC Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action |
12-04-24 |
ACAA Student Sex Discrimination Harassment |
12-04-24 |
ACAAA Transgender and Gender Expansive Students |
02-01-23 |
ACAA-R1 Student Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure |
12-04-24 |
ACAA-R2 Student Sex Discrimination/Harassment Complaint Procedure |
12-04-24 |
ACAB Harassment of Employees |
12-04-24 |
ACAB-R1 Employee Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure |
12-04-24 |
ACAB-R2 Employee Sex Discrimination/Harassment Complaint Procedure |
12-04-24 |
ACAD Hazing |
11-06-19 |
ACAF Workplace Bullying |
10-06-21 |
AD Educational Philosophy / Mission |
07-15-20 |
ADA School District Goals and Objectives |
07-15-20 |
ADAA School System Commitment to Standards for Ethical and Responsible Behavior |
07-15-20 |
ADC Tobacco/Electronic Smoking Device Use and Possession |
11-6-19 |
ADF Commitment to Maine Learning Results |
02-03-21 |
BBAA Board Member Authority and Responsibilities |
03-02-22 |
BCA Board Member Code of Ethics |
04-03-19 |
BCB Conflict of Interest |
10-03-18 |
BCC Nepotism |
01-05-22 |
BD By-Laws |
12-04-24 |
BDE Board Standing Committees |
11-8-18 |
BDE-R Standing Committee Operating Administrative Procedures |
11-7-18 |
BDF Board Advisory Committees |
10-04-23 |
BEC Executive Sessions |
12-05-21 |
BEC-E Executive Session Law |
12-15-21 |
BED Remote Participation in School Board Meetings |
11-17-21 |
BEDB School Board Meeting Agendas |
06-07-23 |
BEDB-R Agenda Format |
10-04-23 |
BEDH Public Participation at School Board Meetings |
11-01-23 |
BG School Board Policy |
01-05-22 |
BG-R Policy Development and Revision Procedures |
01-05-22 |
CB School Superintendent |
02-05-20 |
CBI Evaluation of the Superintendent |
11-02-22 |
CHD Administration in the Absence of Policy |
02-05-20 |
DB Annual Budget |
02-01-23 |
DB-R Budget Adoption Procedure |
02-01-23 |
DCA Capital Reserve Fund |
06-06-18 |
DI Fiscal Accounting and Reporting |
02-06-19 |
DJC Petty Cash Policy |
02-06-19 |
DJD School Activity Accounts Policy |
11-01-23 |
DJD-R School Activity Accounts Cash Receipt Procedures |
11-01-23 |
DJD-Ra School Activity Accounts Cash Disbursement Procedures |
11-01-23 |
DJE-Bidding/Purchasing Requirements |
06-05-19 |
DJH Purchasing and Contracting Procurement Staff Code of Conduct Administrative Procedures |
06-05-19 |
DN School Property Disposition |
02-06-19 |
EBAA Chemical Hazards |
03-03-21 |
EBCA Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan |
12-02-20 |
EBCC Bomb Threats |
11-07-18 |
EBCF Automated External Defibrillators(AED) |
01-03-24 |
ECB Integrated Pest Management |
11-07-18 |
ECB-R Pest Management in School Facilities and on School Grounds Procedures |
11-07-18 |
EEA Student Transportation Services |
11-08-18 |
EEAEAA Drug and Alcohol Testing of School Bus/Van Drivers |
12-02-20 |
EEAEEA-R Drug and Alcohol Testing of School Bus Drivers Administrative Procedure |
12-3-20 |
EEAF Special Use of Buses |
01-02-19 |
EEA-R Student Transportation Procedures |
01-02-19 |
EEBB Use of Private Vehicles for School Business |
04-06-22 |
EFE Competitive Food Sales-Sales of Foods in Competition with the School Food Service Program |
03-03-21 |
EGAD Copyright Compliance Policy |
01-06-21 |
EGAD-R Copyright Compliance Administrative Procedure |
02-03-21 |
EHAA Filtering Policy |
03-01-23 |
EHB Records Management |
11-06-19 |
FF Naming Facilities |
12-02-20 |
GBB Staff Involvement in Decision Making |
02-05-20 |
GBC Employment of Professional Staff |
02-01-23 |
GBEBB Staff Conduct with Students |
02-01-23 |
GBEC Drug-Free Workplace |
03-06-24 |
GBGE Return to Work and Light-Duty Assignments |
02-01-23 |
GBI Staff Gifts and Solicitations |
01-06-21 |
GBN Family and Medical Leave |
02-07-24 |
GBO Family Care Leave |
02-07-24 |
GBP-R Earned Paid Leave |
01-01-21 |
GCF Professional Staff Hiring |
11-06-19 |
GCFB Recruiting and Hiring of Administrative Staff |
10-05-22 |
GCFB-R Recruiting and Hiring of Administrative Staff Procedures |
06-06-18 |
GCGA Substitute Teachers and Educational Specialist |
04-05-23 |
GCI Professional Staff Development Opportunities |
04-07-21 |
GCOA Supervision and Evaluation of Professional Teaching Staff |
06-06-18 |
GCOC Administrator / Supervisor Evaluations |
01-02-19 |
GCQC Resignation of School Unit Employees |
11-06-19 |
GCR Evaluation of Stipend Personnel |
04-05-23 |
GCS Professional Research and Publishing |
05-03-23 |
GCSA Employee Use of School-Issued Computers, Devices and the Internet |
02-08-18 |
GCSA-R Employee Computer/Device and Internet Use Rules |
06-06-18 |
GDF Support Staff Employment Policy |
02-01-23 |
GDO Evaluation of Support Personnel |
04-05-23 |
IGA Curriculum Development and Adoption |
05-03-23 |
IHBA Individualized Education Programs |
01-03-18 |
IHBAA Referral and General Education Interventions Policy |
01-03-18 |
IHBAA-R Referral Procedures and General Education Intervention |
11-01-17 |
IHBAC Child Find |
02-07-24 |
IHBAL Grievance Procedure for Persons with Disabilities |
12-06-17 |
IHBEA Program for Limited English Proficient Students |
01-08-20 |
IHBG Home Schooling |
04-03-24 |
IHBGA Home Schooling – Participation in School Programs |
04-03-19 |
IHCDA Post-Secondary Enrollment Options |
04-03-19 |
IJJ Instructional and Library-Media Materials Selection |
02-06-19 |
IJJ-E Challenge of Instructional Materials Form |
02-06-19 |
IJND MSAD 15 Web Site |
03-01-23 |
IJND-R Web Site Guidelines |
03-01-23 |
IJNDB Student Use of School-Issued Computers, Devices and the Internet |
02-08-18 |
IJNDB-R Student Computer/Device and Internet Use Rules |
04-04-18 |
IJOA School-Sponsored Trips and Non-School-Sponsored Student Trips |
01-04-23 |
IJOC School Volunteers -Community Partners- School Visitors |
03-02-22 |
IKE Promotion, Retention, and Acceleration of Students |
04-03-19 |
IKE-R Procedure Earning Alternative Credits |
04-03-24 |
IKF Graduation Requirements |
04-03-24 |
IKF-R Honors Diploma Endorsements |
04-03-24 |
ILA Student Assessment |
06-05-19 |
ILD Educational Research: Student Surveys, Analyses, and Evaluations |
02-28-24 |
IMB Teaching Controversial Issues |
01-08-20 |
IMBB Exemption from Required Instruction |
12-04-19 |
IMDA Flag Salute |
01-08-20 |
IMG Animals on School District Property |
06-07-23 |
IMGA Service Animals in the Schools |
11-01-17 |
JEA Compulsory School Attendance |
10-02-19 |
JFAA Admission of Resident Students |
02-01-23 |
JFABB Foreign Exchange Student Program |
02-28-24 |
JFABD Education of McKinney Vento Students |
11-01-23 |
JFABD-R Education of McKinney Vento Students |
11-01-23 |
JFC Dropout Prevention Committee Policy |
07-15-20 |
JHB Truancy |
12-06-23 |
JIC Student Code of Conduct Policy |
05-05-21 |
JICA Student Dress |
03-04-20 |
JICC Student Conduct on School Buses |
01-02-19 |
JICH Student Drug,Alcohol and Tobacco Use |
05-02-18 |
JICH-R Student Drug Alcohol & Tobacco Administrative Procedure |
11-06-19 |
JICI Gray-New Gloucester Co-Curricular Code of Conduct for Middle and High School Students |
06-03-24 |
JICIA Weapons,Violence and School Safety Policy |
11-03-21 |
JICJ Student Use of Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices |
04-05-23 |
JICK Bullying Prevention Policy |
04-07-21 |
JIE Pregnant Students |
12-04-24 |
JIH Questioning and Searches of Students Policy |
02-07-24 |
JIH-R Questioning and Searches of Students Procedure |
02-07-24 |
JJE Fundraising |
03-06-19 |
JJIAA Private School Students-Access to Public School Co-Curricular, Interscholastic Activities |
10-06-21 |
JJIB Sponsorship and Evaluation of Athletic Programs |
11-01-23 |
JJIBC Relations with Booster Groups |
04-05-23 |
JJIF-Management of Concussions and Other Head Injuries |
04-07-2021 |
JK Student Discipline 7-15-20 |
07-15-20 |
JKAA Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion |
12-06-23 |
JKAA-R Procedures on Physical Restraint and Seclusion |
12-06-23 |
JKD Suspension of Students |
02-07-24 |
JKE Expulsion of Students |
03-04-20 |
JKE-R Guidelines for the Expulsion of Students and Reentry Plan Guidelines |
03-04-20 |
JKF Disciplinary Removals of Students with Disabilities Policy |
11-04-20 |
JKF-R Disciplinary Removals of Students with Disabilities Procedure |
11-04-20 |
JL Wellness Policy |
11-2-22 |
JLC-R MSAD 15 Procedure for Dealing with Life Threatening Allergies in Our School |
12-13-23 |
JLCB Immunization of Students |
02-03-21 |
JLCC Reportable Communicable Diseases |
03-06-19 |
JLCD Administration of Medication to Students |
11-29-23 |
JLDBG Reintegration of Students from Juvenile Correctional Facilities Policy |
03-03-21 |
JLF Child Abuse Reporting, Prevention and Education |
04-03-24 |
JLF-E Suspected Child Abuse/Neglect Report Form |
04-03-24 |
JLFA Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Response |
08-08-18 |
JLG Admission of McKinney Vento Eligible Students |
02-01-23 |
JLIB Student Dismissal Precautions |
11-06-19 |
JRA Student Education Records and Information |
02-03-21 |
JRA-E Student Education Records and Information Annual Rights Notice |
02-03-21 |
JRA-R Student Education Records and Information Administrative Procedure |
02-03-21 |
JRE Materials Sent Home Through Students |
06-07-23 |
KBF Parent Involvement in Title 1 |
05-02-18 |
KCD Public Gifts/Donations to the Schools |
06-07-23 |
KE Public Concerns & Complaints |
06-07-23 |
KF Community Use of School Facilities |
06-03-24 |
KF-R Administrative Procedures Community Use of School Facilities |
06-03-24 |
KHB Advertising in the Schools |
06-07-23 |
KI Visitors to the Schools |
11-06-19 |
KLG Relations with Law Enforcement Authorities |
05-04-22 |
KLG-R Relations with Law Enforcement Authorities Administrative Procedure |
05-04-22 |