12-04-2023 One Hour Delay Due to Weather Conditions
12-04-2023 Due to weather conditions, the opening of schools will be delayed by one hour. We will have AM and PM Pre-K today.
Fall Sports Student Athlete Recognition
Please see the list of recipients for the 2023 Fall Student Athlete Recognition.
STEM Family Night Coming Soon!
Save the Date: We are excited to be able to bring back our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Family Night on November 16th from 5:30-7:00. Look for more announcements and details soon.
10-26-2023 Return to School Plan
Please see the attached memo for the Return to School Plan.
Student Led Conference Week
Additional information...Our Fall Conference Week will be the week of November 13th-17th. November 16th will be our Common Conference Night from 2-5pm. Advisors will send an email with a link to schedule meeting times on November 1st.